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In Release-14 3GPP is enhancing the above technologies

• Positioning enhancements [eMTC, NB-IOT, EC-GSM-IOT]

• Multicast, mobility enhancements for [eMTC, NB-IOT]

• New power classes, access/paging enhancements [NB-IOT]

• Higher data rates and VoLTEsupport for [eMTC]



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Description and technical conditions for IoT Cellular Systems


Applicable ETSI standards

Technical conditions


EN 301 502 [25]

EN 301 511 [26]

EN 301 908-18 [27]

No specific requirements in addition to GSM (note 1)

and the applicable harmonised standards


EN 301 908-1 [23]

EN 301 908-13 [31]

EN 301 908-14 [32]

EN 301 908-15 [33]

EN 301 908-18 [27]

No specific requirements in addition to LTE (note 2)

and the applicable harmonised standards


EN 301 908-1 [23]

EN 301 908-13 [31]

EN 301 908-14 [32]

EN 301 908-15 [33]

EN 301 908-18 [27]

Standalone mode

• A frequency separation of 200 kHz or more between the standalone NB-IoT channel edge of one network and the UMTS/LTE channel edge of the neighbouring  network.

• A frequency separation of 200 kHz or more between the standalone NB-IoT channel edge of one network and  the  GSM  channel  

edge  of  the  neighbouring network.

In-band mode

• No specific requirements in addition to LTE (note 2) and the 

applicable harmonised standards

Guard band mode

• A frequency separation of 200 kHz or more between the NB-IoT 

channel edge and the edge of the operator's block, taking into 

account existing guard bands between operators' block edges or 

the edge ofthe operating band (adjacent to other services).

Note 1: Frequency separation requirements on GSM as defined in ECC Report 266 [14]

Note 2: Frequency separation requirements on LTE as defined in ECC Report 266 [14]


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