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In California, certain products must meet minimum efficiency requirements determined by the California Energy Commission (CEC). If you list an offer on a product on Amazon.com that is subject to CEC regulations then it is your responsibility to ensure the product meets CEC minimum efficiency requirements and is registered in the MAEDbS.



How to list products for sale in California:



For any product subject to CEC registration, seller will include on the product detail page, CEC database information including model number, brand and/or manufacturer as they are indicated at MAEDbS.



Examples of listings prohibited from sale in California:


ÈκÎÊÜCEC·¨¹æÔ¼ÊøµÄ²úÆ·£¬ÇÒ 1) ²»·ûºÏ×îµÍЧÂʱê×¼ ºÍ 2) δÔÚMAEDbSÖÐ×¢²á£¨Èç¹ûÐèÒª£©¡£

Any product contained that is subject to CEC regulations and 1) fails to meet the minimum efficiency standards and 2) is not registered in the MAEDbS, if required.



Energy Labeling Rule



If you list an offer on a product that falls under the Energy Labeling Rule, it’s your responsibility to ensure the proper label, icon, or water use information is displayed on the detail page. The federal Energy Labeling Rule requires that these products display:


¡ñ ÔÚijЩ¼ÒµçµÄÏêÇéÒ³ÃæÉÏÏÔʾ»ÆÉ«µÄÄÜЧ±êÇ©

¡ñ Yellow EnergyGuide labels on detail pages for certain appliances

¡ñ Õë¶ÔijЩÕÕÃ÷ÉÌÆ·ÏÔʾ°×É«µÄµç¹âÔ´±êÇ©

¡ñ White Lighting Facts labels on detail pages for certain lighting products

¡ñ Õë¶ÔijЩÕÕÃ÷²úÆ·µÄÄÜԴͼ±ê£¨´øԲȦµÄ´óд×Öĸ“E”£©

¡ñ An energy icon (an encircled capital letter "E") on detail pages for certain lighting products

¡ñ Õë¶ÔijЩˮů²úÆ·µÄÓÃË®ÐÅÏ¢

¡ñ Water use information on detail pages for certain plumbing products



Contact the product manufacturer or private labeler to obtain the proper label, icon, or water use information to comply with the Energy Labeling Rule.



EnergyGuide labels and Lighting Facts labels



Sellers and vendors are required to display EnergyGuide labels on detail pages for the following products:


¡ñ µçÊÓ»úTelevisions

¡ñ µç±ùÏä¡¢Àä²Ø¹ñ¡¢±ù¹ñRefrigerators, Refrigerator-Freezers, Freezers

¡ñ Ï´Ò»úClothes Washers

¡ñ ÊÒÄÚ¿Õµ÷Room Air Conditioners

¡ñ ÖÐÑë¿Õµ÷Central Air Conditioners

¡ñ 2022Äê10ÔÂ1ÈÕÒÔºóÉú²úµÄÒƶ¯¿Õµ÷Portable Air Conditioners manufactured after October 1, 2022

¡ñ Ï´Íë»úDishwashers

¡ñ ÈÈË®Æ÷Water Heaters

¡ñ µõÉÈCeiling Fans

¡ñ Ó¾³Ø¼ÓÈÈÆ÷Pool Heaters

¡ñ ÈȱÃHeat pumps

¡ñ »ð¯Furnaces

¡ñ ¹ø¯Boilers



Sellers and vendors are required to display Lighting Facts labels on detail pages for most general service “lamps” with medium screw bases, including most incandescent, compact fluorescent, and light-emitting diode light bulbs, as well as specialty consumer lamps.



Upload images to the Energy Labeling Rule Widget



To upload and display images to the Energy Labeling Rule widget (located below product images on the detail page), please follow these instructions:



[Instructions for sellers in Seller Central]

1. ÁªÏµÉÌÆ·ÖÆÔìÉÌ£¬ÒÔ»ñÈ¡ÏàÓ¦ÄÜЧ±êÇ©»òµç¹âÔ´±êǩͼƬµÄURL¡£

Contact the product manufacturer to get a URL for the applicable EnergyGuide or Lighting Facts label image.

2. ÏÂÔØÊÊÓõĿâ´æÎļþÄ£°å¡££¨°üº¬ÄÜÔ´±êÇ©¹æÔò×ֶεÄÄ£°å°üÀ¨£º ¹¤¾ßºÍ¼Ò¾Ó×°ÐÞ¡¢¼Ò¾ÓÓëÔ°ÒÕ¡¢ÕÕÃ÷ºÍµçÊÓ/ÒôÏì¡££©

Download the applicable inventory file template. (Templates that contain Energy Labeling Rule fields include: Tools & Home Improvement, Home & Garden, Lighting, and Consumer Electronics.)

3. ¸ù¾ÝÉÌÆ·ÕÒµ½ÏàÓ¦µÄÄÜЧ±êÇ©£¨energy_efficiency_image_url£©»òµç¹âÔ´±êÇ©£¨lighting_facts_image_url£©×ֶΣ¬ÊäÈë´ÓÉÌÆ·ÖÆÔìÉÌÍøÕ¾»ñÈ¡µÄ±êǩͼƬµÄURL¡£

Depending on the product, find the Energy Guide Label (energy_efficiency_image_url) or Lighting Facts Label (lighting_facts_image_url) field and enter the URL of the label image from the product manufacturer's website.

4. ´ò¿ªÂô¼Òƽ̨ÉϵÄÅúÁ¿ÉÏ´«ÉÌÆ·£¬ÉÏ´«¿â´æÎļþ¡£

Open Add Products via Upload on Seller Central and upload your inventory file.




[Instructions for vendors in Vendor Central]

1. Ê¶±ð£¨»ò´ÓÉÌÆ·ÖÆÔìÉÌ´¦»ñÈ¡£©Ã¿¸öASINµÄÏàÓ¦±êǩͼƬ£¨ÀýÈ磺 ÄÜЧ±êÇ©¡¢µç¹âÔ´±êÇ©£©¡£

Identify (or obtain from the product manufacturer) the appropriate label image (For example: EnergyGuide Label, Lighting Facts Label) for each ASIN.

2. ÎªÃ¿¸öͼƬÎļþÃüÃû¡£Í¼Æ¬ÎļþµÄÃüÃû¹æ·¶±ØÐë²ÉÓÃÒÔϸñʽ£º“ASIN.Variant.jpg”¡£¶ÔÓÚ“ÄÜЧ”±êÇ©£¬±äÌå±ØÐëÊÇEGUS£¨ÀýÈçB000123456.EGUS.jpg£©¡£¶ÔÓÚ“µç¹âÔ´”±êÇ©£¬±äÌå±ØÐëÊÇELFL£¨ÀýÈçB000123456.ELFL.jpg£©¡£Çë×¢Ò⣬ͼƬµÄ×î´ó±ß±ØÐëÖÁÉÙΪ500 ÏñËØ¡£Çë²ÎÔÄÑ¡ÔñÕýÈ·µÄͼƬÒÔÁ˽âÓйØͼƬÖÊÁ¿µÄ¸ü¶àÐÅÏ¢¡£

Name each image file. The naming convention for image files must be in the following format: “ASIN.Variant.jpg”. For EnergyGuide Labels, the variant must be EGUS (for example, B000123456.EGUS.jpg). For Lighting Facts Labels, the variant must be ELFL (for example, B000123456.ELFL.jpg). Please note that images must be at least 500 pixels on their largest side. See Choose the right image for more information about image quality.

3. Ê¹ÓÃÉÏ´«ÉÌƷͼƬ¡£Çë×¢Ò⣬Äú¿ÉÒÔͨ¹ýѹËõͼƬ²¢ÉÏ´«Ñ¹ËõÎļþÀ´Ò»´ÎÉÏ´«¶àÕÅͼƬ¡£

Use Upload Product Images. Please note that you may upload multiples images at a time by zipping the images and uploading the zipped file.





If you list an offer on an existing ASIN, it's your responsibility to ensure the applicable label is displayed on the product detail page.


If another seller or vendor has previously uploaded the required label images to the widget, the label will be displayed on the detail page below the product images.


Even if the label has previously been loaded as a product image on an existing ASIN, load your label image into the widget using the instructions above.



Energy icon



Sellers and vendors are required to display an energy icon (an encircled capital letter "E") on detail pages as a product name for the following products:


¡ñ Í¨ÓÃÓ«¹âµÆGeneral Service Fluorescent Lamps

¡ñ Ó«¹âµÆÕòÁ÷Æ÷Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

¡ñ °×³ã·´ÉäµÆIncandescent Reflector Lamps

¡ñ ½ðÊô±»¯ÎïµÆ¾ßMetal Halide Lamp Fixtures



If you are a seller, use any of the image slots (other than Energy Guide Label, Lighting Facts Label, Main, and Swatch) to upload the energy icon as a product image.



Water use information



Sellers and vendors are required to display water use information on detail pages for the following products:


¡ñ ÁÜÔ¡ÅçÍ·Showerheads

¡ñ Ë®ÁúÍ·Faucets

¡ñ ×ø±ãÆ÷£¨³éË®ÂíÍ°£©Water Closets (flush toilets)

¡ñ Ð¡±ã³ØUrinals



The product's water use must be expressed in gallons and liters per minute (gpm and L/min) or per cycle (gpc and L/cycle) for showerheads and faucets, or gallons and liters per flush (gpf and Lpf) for water closets (flush toilets) and urinals. However, these values are not required to be displayed in liters if impractical due to the size of the fitting or fixture.



Display water use information on the detail page in the Key Product Features section (also referred to as Bullet Points).



Additional information



For more information on the Energy Labeling Rule see:


¡ñ ÄÜÔ´±êÇ©¹æÔòÈ«ÎÄ£¨¹æÔòµÚ305.20½ÚÒªÇóÔÚÏßÏÔʾÄÜЧ±êÇ©ºÍµç¹âÔ´±êÇ©£¬ÒÔ¼°ÆäËûÄÜÔ´/ÓÃË®ÐÅÏ¢£©

The full text of the Energy Labeling Rule (Section 305.20 of the rule requires the online display of EnergyGuide and Lighting Facts labels, and other energy/water consumption information.)


The FTC's consumer information website

¡ñ ÃÀ¹úÄÜÔ´²¿ºÏ¹æÈÏÖ¤Êý¾Ý¿â

The US Department of Energy’s Compliance Certification Database



To learn more about listing restrictions that require statements or disclosures, see Listing Restrictions That Require Statements or Disclosures.



Failure to comply with the Energy Labeling Rule may result in suspension or removal of your selling privileges.


¡ñ FTC¼ÒµçÖÆÔìÉ̳£¼ûÎÊÌ⣨¹ØÓÚÄÜЧ±êÇ©ºÍµç¹âÔ´±êÇ©£©

The FTC's FAQs for appliance manufacturers regarding EnergyGuide Labeling and Lighting Facts Labels



The following excerpts are some of the issues that manufacturers are more concerned about. For more questions, please refer to the link above [FTC's FAQs for appliance manufacturers regarding EnergyGuide Labeling and Lighting Facts Labels].


1. ÎÒ¿ÉÒÔ´ÓÄÄÀï»ñÈ¡ÄÜЧ±êÇ©µÄ¸±±¾£¿

Where can I get a copy of the EnergyGuide label?



The FTC offers templates to download and create your EnergyGuide labels. You also can look at samples of the EnergyGuide label in Appendix L of the Rule. You are responsible for producing your own labels for your products in accordance with the specific requirements in the Energy Labeling Rule.



For example:





2. ÔÚÎÒ½«±êÇ©ÌùÔÚÎҵIJúÆ·ÉÏ֮ǰ£¬ÎÒÊÇ·ñÐèÒª»ñµÃFTCµÄÅú×¼£¿

Do I need to get my labels approved by the FTC before I put them on my products?



No. The Energy Labeling Rule doesn’t require FTC approval. However, manufacturers must follow DOE’s testing and certification requirements and the FTC’s requirements for reporting energy consumption information before distributing appliances.


3. ÎÒÊÇ·ñÐèÒªÔÚÏß·¢²¼ÎҵIJúÆ·µÄÄÜЧ±êÇ©¸±±¾£¿ Èç¹ûÒªµÄ£¬ÐèÒª¶à¾Ã£¿

Am I required to post copies of the EnergyGuide label for my products online? If so, for how long?


µ½2013Äê7ÔÂ13ÈÕ£¬Äú±ØÐëÔÚ¹«¿ªÍøÕ¾ÉÏ·¢²¼²úÆ·µÄÄÜЧ±êǩͼÏñ£¬ÒÔÔÊÐíÁãÊÛÉ̳¬Á´½Óµ½±êÇ©»òÏÂÔرêÇ©¡£Ìض¨ÐͺŵıêÇ©±ØÐëÔÚÉú²ú½áÊøºóÔÚÍøÕ¾Éϱ£ÁôÁù¸öÔ¡£²Î¼û16 CFR§305.9¡£

By July 13, 2013, you must post images of the EnergyGuide labels for products on a publicly available website in a way that allows retailers to hyperlink to the label or download it. The label for a specific model must remain on the website for six months after production ends. See 16 CFR § 305.9.


